Friday, February 29, 2008

our day at the dr......

Dana had to work today. The boys had appts at the dr at 10 am. I went to help Ben take care of them while in the waiting room and exam rooms. Both had check up appts, neither were truly "sick" so keeping up with Jagger was a little hard...... We FINALLY got called back for weights and temps after waiting two hours. Then, the nurse tells us to go wait in the CAR and they will call Ben's phone when it's our turn! Apparently it was obvious that Jagger was a live wire in the waiting area, haha! (She wasn't mean in saying this)
So we head to the car. I put down the third row, and turned Jagger loose back there.

We soon find out that Jackson had no formula in the bag...... We call back inside the dr's office, and ask could we please be seen soon, cause this child is HUNGRY. They say they will try... Being that I know the lady I talked to, I KNOW she is telling the truth, so this is a relief. 15 minutes later...... the dr has to leave to deliver a baby.

So, 2.5 hours are wasted. But as you can see, Mr. Hines had a large time!


Blake February 29, 2008 at 4:06:00 PM CST  

Looks like Jagger Man had a good time and Jackson is gettin SO big!

Sarah Albin March 1, 2008 at 11:49:00 AM CST  

You are such a good friend!! Is that the inside of your new car?

K.T. is Mommatude March 1, 2008 at 1:26:00 PM CST  

You know,that is one thing I really like about that Dr office-you can wait in your car....which is preferable for me sometimes!!!

His hair is awesome,I love it.

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