A- Attached or single: Attached for 10 years
B- Best Friends: Dana, Rosjuane, Kacy, & Cary
C- Cake or Pie: cake if I was forced to eat one, don't like either, really
D- Day of choice: Friday night date, or Mike's Saturday's off
E- Essential item: cell phone, in order to call Rosjuane 87 times per day
F- Favorite color: turquiose
G- Gummy bears or worms: worms, but only red and clear ones
H- Hometown: Wilmar, Arkansas, population 747
I- Indulgences: seven jeans, cashmere sweaters, and books
J- January or July: July
K- Kids: Jordan Michelle and Karsyn Makenzie
L- Life is not complete without: Christ, my family, and wonderful friends
M - Marriage Date: July 16, 1999
N- Number of Siblings: 1 great brother, Lance
O- Oranges or apples: apples
P- Phobias or fears: housefires, if I have to pick something, but I am not the fraidy cat type
Q- Quotes: "Jealousy is how much fun they THINK you had" is my current favorite
R- Reason to smile: my friends and family
S- Season: early summer
T- Tag three friends: KT, Dean, and Sarah (in Fortuna)
U- Unknown fact about me: I have never tried out for any organized team or organization besides the softball team in high school. Never had any desire to "cheer" or dance.
V -Very favorite store: Kohls, Indigo, Abercrombie, Nieman Marcus online
W- Worst habit: my short fuse
X- X-ray or Ultrasound: broken several bones.....so several xrays, and a TON of ultrasounds, being that I was in preterm labor and in the hospital for over a month
Y- Your favorite food: a good ol' steak at Bourbon Mall
Z- Zodiac: Libra, and that crap means nothing to me
I love how you change your page so much. I am still trying to figure all of this stuff out.
I love these but I never quite know who to tag!!LOL
I enjoyed reading yours and Sarah's! I've been on a 6 day trip to NYC with my daughter...saw Mama Mia, Wicked, and tonight it's Chicago. It's super cold here but dry so we're enjoying a lot of walking and shopping hitting many Starbucks to step into to keep warm. FUN! FUN! Walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, took a bus tour of Manhattan, rode the subway several times, and shopped all over the place. The American Girl store is so cute, M & M store is great fun, Ground Zero is so very sad...plus there was a man playing Amazing Grace on his flute as we walked by him.
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