Sunday, March 2, 2008

Our Church Visit

Ok, so today was the day! We went and met the G fam , whose name I still cannot pronounce, but that's ok since they told us their first names too, haha. I also got to meet some of their family, all of their kiddos, and some others that were interested in learning what a Vineyard Church is all about.

I know from the emails I have received that there are a lot of people that are curious, so I will answer some of the easy stuff that I have been asked about. Yes, they have a lot of kids. I am not sure how many kids were in that room, but I think there was almost as many kids are there are adults! I am guessing there were around thirty folks there this morning. The kids (the younger ones) went back for classroom time, and my kids enjoyed it a lot. It's always refreshing when the kids do more in Sunday school than just play, and my girls had a blast.

Yes, it is multi-racial, and it is non-denominational. There are various ages, races, and methods of dressing. We wore jeans, some wore dresses and and etc, but you were clearly accepted in whatever attire you chose. No problems there.

I will admit that I had high expectations because of all I knew about the G family from their blog, and from the Files crew. They were exactly what I expected, friendly, kid chasing, God centered people, ready to get down to the nitty gritty and apply the bible's teaching in a modern way.

The music was great; familiar and upbeat songs, not from a band (yet???) but from a couple of speakers that did the job just fine. Michael and I both enjoy worship through music very much, so we were glad to hear some "modern" Christian songs.

All in all, it was a great morning, with old friends and new, and we ended it with a good lunch at Ameca. Since I am the queen of little notebooks, I jotted some info down about the "sermon" (which is more like bible study/Sunday school-ish delivery than preaching in my opinion) so if anyone wants to know what that was all about, shoot me an email.


Jenny Sipes March 2, 2008 at 5:35:00 PM CST  


K.T. is Mommatude March 2, 2008 at 6:02:00 PM CST  

I am so glad you guys had a great time,I need more info on what vineyard is about......

Sarah Albin March 3, 2008 at 6:02:00 PM CST  

Good for you! I hope you find exactly what you are looking for.

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