Tuesday, February 26, 2008

keepin' up with the boys

It's been a wild day! I worked this morning, and then went to Dana's to keep the boys for a while so she could do some errands and finish up with her taxes at H&R Block. Then I had a little shopping to do; I got my kids some gift certificates to Bellelise Booksellers for Easter, got some more scrapbooking stuff at The Gift Shaker (75% off still), grabbed some stuff at walmart, went to the bank, had lunch with Blake, got a shower gift for a friend, visited Brandi Files, AND picked up the kids from school. WHEW! What a day.
And, to make my day perfect, when I got here, my book Dean bought me was here, woo hoo!

So, after I finish taking some pics of Dana's maternity clothes (to sell on ebay) I am off to read. Can't beat that!


Debbi February 26, 2008 at 5:29:00 PM CST  

you sound buys and i am jealous of your scrapbook finds! what new book do you have?

Sugar-n-Spice February 27, 2008 at 9:08:00 PM CST  

i'm SO glad you stopped by. and thank you so much for blessing's gift. PERFECT!

i still haven't given it to her...i'm saving it for her "big" day tomorrow. (don't worry, karis has lots to look forward to, too)

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