Monday, February 25, 2008

A new local blessing

My family and I are excited to check out the newest Vineyard Church in Monticello.

We are so excited at the thought of finding somewhere that fits our favorite way to worship!

Below is copied directly from on of the church planter's blogs:

The Vineyard church is a non-denominational church but is part of a group of churches worldwide known as 'The Vineyard church.' So, our news is that we are in the process of becoming a Vineyard church right here in Monticello. We must adhere to the church planting 'process' as outlined by the Vineyard Church. Once we are officially approved, we can call ourselves "Monticello Vineyard Church."For those of you in the area who would like to check us out, our building is located on the square just across from the Waterworks building (113 W. Gaines). We are on the corner of Gaines and Church St. Our first service will be Sunday, March 2nd at 10:30am.


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