Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My new book

The book Dean got me is "Forgiving the Dead Man Walking."

Dean knew I had the book about the killer himself (Dead Man Walking), written by Sister Mary Helen Prejean. I think Dean probably knows that giving me a book about being more forgiving is two gifts in one; I like to read, and learning to accept apologies is something I need to work on.

Dean is a very special person to me. He has given me spiritual advice, but more than anything, real "life experience" advice, and that means more than any degree he holds. I am glad I have him to confide in, to vent to, and to just generally shoot the breeze about nothing. He has directed me to different bible passages, websites, and other written works, and has helped me immensely in my growth as a Christian mother by doing so. I value his advice more than pretty much anyone else I talk with, because I love his non condescending way of helping me open my eyes. So, if you need a good email buddy......... don't call Dean, he's mine, haha!


Debbi February 26, 2008 at 8:45:00 PM CST  

cool, You'll have to tell us what you think when you finish it. I read Dead Man Walking my freshman year in college and thought it was really good and had some really good points.

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