Friday, September 12, 2008

haircut time

I know, I know, nice homemade camera phone pic....but it serves the purpose.
I have been planning to get a haircut since May. Lack of babysitters has knocked me out of that, because I don't get mine cut locally. So anyway, I am looking at trying to get an appt very soon, and want something new. My hair is VERY VERY thick, and grows fast. Because of that, I can't get anything done that needs constant trims to keep it looking right, and I can't do anything that might create a mushroom on my head. I also have a fat face, so keep that in mind....
Ideas, anyone?


Anonymous,  September 12, 2008 at 4:27:00 PM CDT  

I say don't jump onto the bob bandwagon! There are a lot of cute ones out there, but they are everywhere you look!

What about switching from straight to wavey? My vote is, don't cut it! I love it long.

Mindy September 12, 2008 at 4:31:00 PM CDT  

With ya on the thick hair that grows fast. I hate that about mine.
I used to like to keep mine short when I was working since my shifts started at 4am. Now I am letting it grow out. Dawn at West Avenue does this thing that thins it a little and then I have few layers on the ends and its cut to flip out a little. is a great site to look at.

Sarah Albin September 15, 2008 at 12:12:00 PM CDT  

What did you decide? Can't wait to see the "after" photos...

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