Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sarah's Birthday

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We went to my mom and dad's today to celebrate my niece, Sarah's third birthday. She is quite the talker, and always makes us enjoy the days we get with her. She is literally the smartest three year old I have ever seen. She floors me with her vocabulary, and her mathmatical, and reasoning skills. She is a MESS!
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This is my brother, Lance. Karsyn is NOT one that easily gives away hugs or kisses. My brother loves to harass her about this.
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Jordan, on the other hand, will hug anyone, but especially uncle Lance. Those two had a good time today.
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We walked over to Rob and Candy's to take a couple snapshots of the three together. Considering no one wanted to, I think we did pretty well.
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All in all, it was a good day. Sarah LOVES babies. Her baby that 'pottys' in it's own potty chair was quite a hit. I bet her mom is tired of filling that bottle back up by now....


Mom of these kids May 25, 2008 at 8:59:00 PM CDT  

The pictures of the 3 girls are cute!

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