Sunday, May 25, 2008

Our afternoon

PISTOL 050 copy Before anyone complains about me, or calls Child Protective Services, let me clarify. Yes, this is a real gun. Yes, my daughters do shoot it, along with a couple others. We have taught them about gun safety since they were very little, and they have always (with our guidance) been allowed to target shoot with us. Guns are still locked up in my house, and my kids cannot access them without a key. They have been taught about them because I did not want them to ever be curious enough to mess with them on their own. I always was allowed to go target shoot with my daddy at the gravel pit in Wilmar, and my kids enjoy it as well.

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A couple weeks ago they spent a lot of time shooting with their dad, and were so proud to bring me their bullet riddled paper plates to show me their bullseyes. This gun has a ten inch barrel, and it's hard to "balance." I would rather lay down when I shoot this one in particular. (Poor Rosjuane, with her camera shake, she would vibrate all over with this thing!)
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Jordan is the most accurate of the two, and very competitive about it. Michael has spent way more time working with her on shooting with open sights than he has with Karsyn. Karsyn just can't be still long enough for this.
I am glad Michael takes time with them with this type thing. He has taken them both hunting since they were around 4 years old. Once again, Karsyn just can't be quiet long enough for that either. She goes some, but not as much as Jordan.
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I guess this makes me a Pistol Packin' Momma~


Blake May 25, 2008 at 8:35:00 PM CDT  

Ok, the picture on the bottom is just scary

Anonymous,  May 25, 2008 at 9:13:00 PM CDT  

We are a hunting, trap shooting family. My husband and two sons (17 and 10) bow and gun hunt deer. We do it for the meat. Anyways, both of our boys have been through the hunter's safety course, and know gun safety. We are also big on gun safety, and keep our guns locked up as well. gore@sMy 7 year old daughter is next, bugs her dad to shoot and hunt.

dean May 25, 2008 at 10:43:00 PM CDT  

um, yes... i represent PETPP (People for the Ethical Treatment of Paper Plates), and you'll be hearing from our attorneys...

so maybe you weren't quite as bored as i was this weekend after all.

K.T. is Mommatude May 26, 2008 at 7:37:00 PM CDT  

Looks like a great time!

Our kids really havent had the exposure to guns that I did when I was their age.We had contemplated buying a BB gun for Jaxen for his birthday but it didnt happen.LOL

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