my cocker spaniel
Has been being harassed by my "big dogs" and for two days now he has been on a "line" by the house, and the other two have remained in the pen. This is where he used to be all the time, before we got the huge pen. (And by huge I mean, I could park several cars inside it.)
We always let him off the line to play when we are out. He is a car chaser, so it is his own fault that he is confined at all. Well, today, he bit BOTH my kids and attempted to bite me. Karsyn was pulling the chain to untangle him and I let that "nip" go because I thought she accidentally hurt him, and it was not a bad bite, just one that made me very mad.
After that, he got into the empty box I had by the back door, and I told Jordan to take it. He jumped up and tried to bite her head, and got a mouthful of hair. It's pretty likely that if my neighbors saw me punish him, that they then called PETA. I don't know what is up with him, but he is back in the pen. I don't care if they kick him around or not, he isn't taking out frustration on my kids. He growled at me like a psycho when I approached him, but ran back into the pen like he wanted to be there, so who knows....
Oh my goodness,everyone is allright???
Sounds like he may have developed some form of nervous disorder or something like it...
I've had friends with dogs that started biting. It's a tough situation. I'd have him evaluated by your vet & decide if he's really a suitable pet...keeping in mind the safety of your kids and other visiting children. Our cat has what the vet calls "a biting fetish". He's always loved to bite into hands & lower arms. His whole face changes just before he bites. When he was young, he did it all the time. He also used to chew on any available wooden corner. soo sorry to hear this....he could be doing this because he has learned to take up for himself with the big dogs!!! not that he is trying to hurt anyone!!! or he could have been hurt or just going through and adjustment period with everything that is goin on
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