Saturday, February 16, 2008


I had the tripod out yesterday. I decided I needed a new self portrait because I was jealous of my awesome friend, Sarah's. I hated all the ones where I smiled. I concede to the fact that I have a jughead and don't take good pics!! In high school I had a really good senior pic that made me get Beauty Runner Up. That photo is an optical illusion. Before anyone argues, you should ask Rosjuane. She has a terrible time taking pics of me and my fat face. It's just a fact!

While I had the tripod and remote out, I made him take a couple snapshots with me. I don't know what's up with that face......oh yeah, I do. I said don't do that stupid fake smile. So he did that.

This year was our tenth Valentine's Day together. I think it's time to accept that I am getting a little old. But not as old as he is :P


Debbi February 16, 2008 at 8:03:00 AM CST  

Cute pictures! You are brave, I hate pictures of myself! I also have the hardest time smiling at the camera if it is on a timer or something, because it always looks so fake. I like the couple pictures too, they are fun. Wade always pulls faces too like that, what is up with guys and that?!

Debbi February 16, 2008 at 8:04:00 AM CST  

oh, and I don't think you are old or getting old...please don't say that because it would mean we all are! I don't want to admit it either!

ash February 16, 2008 at 11:48:00 AM CST  

cute pics....we all judge our own pics way to hard!!! i hate when people are like it looks so cute and I hate the pic!!! have a great day and i agree your no where near getting old!!!

Jaime February 16, 2008 at 1:12:00 PM CST  

I love the new pictures. You look great!

Rosjuane February 16, 2008 at 3:16:00 PM CST  

I already told you I liked the 1st one. When you come over to take some for me we will do some of you too.

Sarah Albin February 18, 2008 at 9:08:00 AM CST  

Thanks for the compliment, but I am really not happy with any of them. May try to do them again soon. Or better yet, you can come visit and take some of me...

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