Friday, February 15, 2008

Collection agency update

Michael finally talked to a human being that seemed to honestly care that he got stuck paying some loser's bill. (He got this person by punching in random ext's till he happened to get the right supervisor) He is supposed to give them until Monday to get it straightened out, and call them back...... We will see. Getting the money back IS a big deal, but keeping clean credit is the main thing for the moment, and if he paid that and they STILL tag it on his social, you people may see my calm, even tempered husband blow a fuse....

And as for the used tahoe we were getting, it's a rolling ash tray. No amount of running the "smoke removal" machine will get it out, at least not enough to suit me and my allergies. So back to square one, ugh!


The Perry Family February 15, 2008 at 9:30:00 AM CST  

good. i so hope this works out for you all.

The Perry Family February 15, 2008 at 9:30:00 AM CST  

oh yeah...i'll sell you my tahoe for the payoff! :)

Mindy February 15, 2008 at 5:15:00 PM CST  

Don't you just the common name Smith? We get it all of the time for William Smith. It makes me want to strangle those folks who don't pay their bills!

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