I am offended
that instead of showing concern, my husband blocked his face with his arm when I showed him the thermometer after I took my temp when we were sitting on the couch. (102.4)
If you know him, you know he is a germ phobic in a huge way........
Apparently I have a case of strep......like everyone else I know. At least I am pretty sure it is not the flu....
Poor thing. Get well soon! My oldest just got over the stomach bug.
OH man!! I hope you can still talk like 8 hrs a day, or I will be lost!! Feel better!!
you've been scarce... now i know why. i'm praying for you.
as penance for being so insensitive, i think mike should drop the whole 15 passenger thing and get you a real vehicle :-)
I hope you get better soon! I have had it all from strept then flu, then strept again, then a stomach bug.....IM FINALLY BETTER!!!!
Yeah we seem to be running the gamut this way too!!
Hope you feel better soon!
I am a bit of a germophobe myself....LOL,but its not my family's germs that worry me but everyone else's.Things like,how many people have touched the handles of the utensils at the buffet-and then laid said utensils on top of the food....ugh-LOL
Oh no! I just got over a bad cold! Get well soon!
OH! I'm sorry and I hope you feel better soon!
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