How to not be broke.
As everyone knows from my consistent complaining, we are still in the process of buying a different vehicle for me. I have always been the spoiled brat with the newest vehicle, and I have put an end to that one! I talked Michael into us getting a used ride this time, in order to be able to quickly pay it off, and save more for a new house we are working on preparing to build. It's time to get those priorities straight! Of course a new loaded vehicle would be way more fun, but I want a new house way worse, and I also want to have the ability to buy new things for that house without stress.
So, I have been budgeting money for two months now. Keeping up with every extra dollar spent is no fun! (Just ask Blake, she is my cheerleader that says THAT IS NOT IN THE BUDGET when I get close to caving in....)
There are so many books and sites out there now that tell you how to save and either not get into debt, or how to get out, that there's no reason for any of us to be drowning debt. Thank goodness for my husband's awesome job; he has worked very hard to be able to knock out all of our loans and car notes and credit cards. As of the end of this month, credit card debt is gone, my photo equip is paid off, his truck is paid off, small personal loan is paid off, and we are getting on top of things! (Thanks to doing nothing fun for 2 months, haha! No shopping is hard!!) I have my little notebook that I jot stuff down in, and I am getting pretty good at this money management thing. We are desperately seeking some land to build a home on. Not a ton of land, but enough for a large yard, plus some. (5-10 acres would be great) I would love to be in Wilmar again, close to my family, and also where my kids can grow up in a quiet country atmosphere, but not sure we are going to be able to find anything there. Hope so though! Because of that, there's another reason we need to save, because we not only plan to build, we have to buy the land.
Below are some things I have been trying to do, or am planning to work on, that I have found in library books and online. See if it can help you, too!
Cook at home often: Sometimes this is very difficult for me. My kids are picky eaters, and my husband works late a lot. It's hard to not take the easy way out and say drive thru taco bell! It's also hard to make a "cheap" meal when it takes so much meat to feed my family, but hey, it's cheaper than most take out.
Make your own coffee: Does not apply to me, but I know those burger king runs in the morning add up!
Brown bag lunch at least a few days a week: Once again, does not really apply to me, but I do try to make Michael grilled chicken to take to work for lunch, and buy bulk lunchmeat and etc for him. With "value" meals costing 6-7 bucks, I try to only eat lunch out on Tuesdays when I work. Resisting temptation to go more is hard.
Make a list before going shopping: They call it impulse buying for a reason. Humans simply have a very tough time resisting the temptation to purchase extras while shopping. I am also bad to buy something "because I have a coupon" because my mom saves them from her Sunday paper for me.
Watch out for expiration dates on perishable goods: This one seems intuitive when you read it, but I am surprised at how many people do not pay attention to expiration dates. No point getting a gallon of milk if it is going to be sour within a couple of days. Same goes for meat, eggs, yogurt, sour cream and etc. Some people say you can use a few items a few days after the dates – but I personally value my health more than money and would rather avoid buying such items in the first place. (I am also afraid of raw chicken, haha)
Buy in bulk whenever possible: When it comes to non-perishable items, buy in bulk whenever you find something on sale. The items I usually stock up on are, cereals, toothpaste, body wash, shampoo, toilet paper etc. Shopping at warehouse stores like Sam’s Club etc can save you quite a bit of money, provided you stick strictly to your shopping list when you shop at these places, but I don't have a membership anymore.
Buy generic products whenever possible: Does it really matter whether your cereal is made by Kellogg's or is the store brand? (Tootie Frooties are good aren't they Blake???) Does it matter if your milk is Coleman or the store brand? For a few things like dr pepper and cheese, I prefer brand name products only and cheap stuff is not negotiable. For others, I do not mind generic store brands if they can save me money. (Like so cheesy macaroni from Save a lot, my kids like it BETTER than the "good" stuff)
Use grocery store bags to line trash cans: This is what we use for the bathrooms.
Consolidate and pay off debt as soon as possible: If you carry any debt, focus on consolidating it to a lower interest and paying it off as soon as possible. Money paid in interest is money thrown away, and it hurts my feelings to let that money go. Why spend your hard-earned cash to make the bank owners richer? I am always on the lookout for "12 months interest free" incentives if we are needing to finance something.
Pay your bills on time and avoid late fees: Get organized about your regular bills. If possible, automate the payments or use billpay. I use billpay for every single bill I have, and never write paper checks. Also, many banks offer free bill pay programs. If you are organized, there really is no excuse for forgetting to pay a bill on time and paying the late fees. If you don't have the money, I have heard (if you don't make a habit of it) that some companies will give you one time extensions. It would be worth trying if I didn't have the money to pay.
Be aware of your bank balance and avoid over draft fees: If you use your checking account often or have some bills that are paid automatically from your checking account, be aware of the balance and avoid overdraft fees. We have had an overdraft charge one time in our 10 year relationship. My husband will never live that one down (since he caused it). Hot check costs are another totally avoidable issue is you ask me.
Avoid ATM fees: Be aware of the ATM withdrawal fees charged by your bank. While some banks waive fees for all ATM transactions on any ATM machine, some don’t. So be sure to use only those ATM machines where your bank will not charge the fees, or withdraw directly at your bank. It cost me 7 bucks to get some cash in the Pine Bluff mall atm once, that's crazy!
Avoid credit cards with annual fee: Credit cards with their cash back bonuses and reward points are a great way to save some money. Just make sure that the card does not charge you any annual fees.
Disconnect land line if possible: It is more than likely that you will be able to survive with only the mobile phones and can get rid of the land line. We are considering this, but I am still undecided. I did get rid of the extra stuff like call waiting though.
Instead of buying books, borrow books from the library: Whenever possible, borrow your books instead of buying them. If you like to buy books like I do, check if you can buy it used: I get a ton on ebay.
Avoid impulse buying: Many of the things you want to buy do not seem all that necessary, if you only you wait for a day or two. Also, waiting means you will be able to check prices and make an informed decision to buy it at the best possible price. I am the queen of putting stuff back and not getting it!
Avoid the vending machines: Almost everything that is dispensed via vending machines has a huge markup. (Like cokes in a gas station do)
Keep your car as long as possible: This is one we are going to start right now. I am looking forward to saving this money big time.
Do regular scheduled maintenance on your vehicles: Do not skimp on or forget to do regular oil changes. Remember to check the air in your tires often. (I don't do this, but the spee d lube guys will, just tell them to)
If you watch a lot of DVDs, get an online DVD store membership: Membership to online movie stores like Netflix or Blockbuster Online can save you a lot of money compared to buying DVDs or renting it from Movie Gallery. I also love the dollar movies at Redbox. I just cancelled my netflix a couple of days ago (another unecessary cost I could easily get rid of) and that saves almost 20 bucks a month.
If you like watching movies at the theater, go before 6:00 pm: Matinee's are my favorite ones. We have always done this, because it is quieter in the theaters and less crowded.
Regulate your electric use.: When not in use, unplug electric appliances. I admit I have never done this, but have read about it in two different books. They say just being plugged in, and still being off, still drains electricity.
Plan vacations ahead of time: I always do this, and I also call and find out what peak seasons are, so I can schedule at off season times.
So, see if anything I am trying to do will work for you. We save loose change, and do the little stuff too, but we are trying to really make a difference.
If you google the main thing couples fight over you will see the common word in the response is MONEY!
Any hints about preparing to build a home are appreciated. We still may end up buying something that is for sale instead, but I can tell you for certain, we are on our way to having our dream home, and I am excited~
This sounds great...I have thought about some of the things that you mentioned before, but you know how that goes...LOL All of these things make sense and sound like they would help a lot with any family. I will continue to be your "cheerleader" if you'll be mine!!! LOL
great post... check out
I have the dave ramsey 3 part disc series, he is awesome. Thanks for throwing that name out there, I hadn't even thought about that!
Wow Great Post!! I have been doing alot of money management for about 2 1/2 years. Since I quit working. We at one time had my check, and Brad's and were "always broke". When I quit we managed to live on just his check. We have a nicer house, Nicer Cars (mine at least), and pay our bills. We pay off anything we can with extra money like income tax. But we are actually doing better now than we did then. I have been doing pictures more lately, but it's not consistant enought for me to dive into too much. I am currently trying to save for vacation and I have enough for the days that I will be there working, but now trying to decide if maybe I'm going to add a couple extra days in. If not then I would like to have extra money saved up for me and Shelley and our kiddos to go do some fun stuff this summer instead of just sitting around all summer. But in order for me to do these things I have to not buy purses, shoes, and stuff I don't need. I have to decide what is more important something the whole family can enjoy or something I enjoy. I try to give my husband play money since he has worked so hard to keep me at home and he only gets $100 a week to live on. So when I can I fund a fishing trip, or rod and reel. I make sure he has stuff for him. But I give up alot of shopping to do that. And let me tell you it's hard but WORTH IT!! My kids get what they need, and my husband doesn't feel like it's all for nothing. And I get the few things I want in the end. I would rather have big things or fun trips than a new purse or shoes that aren't going to be cool in a month. I am really wanting to get to where we can escape some on the weekends that we don't have the kids. We've never been on vacation. And never done anything for anniversaries for lack of money. I would really like to get in the whim and do something fun for a change. And take the kids on vacation some too.
I am a pretty good penny pincher-if I do say so myself...LOL
Great Post!!!
Okay I had to come back-lost track of time earlier-and had to go.
Anyhow,we refurbish alot.We refurbish furniture and of course now our house.Jamie is a shadetree mechanic and he does all of the work on our vehicles.I am a big cheapskate when it comes to everything else.All of our vehicles are pre-owned as well.Rarely do I buy anything that is NOT on sale.I go to lots of rummage sales for books and things like that.You are right about the Dr Pepper,I also dont like to buy generic chips-but we are not big fans of chips anyhow.We cook at home ALOT and I can do a meal on about $2 on my best,I have also been able to buy groceries on $40 a week (also at my best)-That is three breakfasts,lunches and dinners a day/everyday for a week for 5.
I didnt always do that-at one point I didnt even know how to-but we got in a real tight spot when I was pregnant with Kyla and the learning began...LOL!!
What a great post! I love it. We are always trying to save and budget. We only get paid 2x a year and live off student loans so we are always trying to live off less and less so we will have less debt when we are done. I think the biggest waste is cars, we always pay cash or pay off as soon as we can and drive them forever. My parents were like this so I guess that is where I got it.
All your ideas are great. Through the years, I've applied most of them & continue to. It's nice when you have your home & cars paid off and no other major debt. About building or buying your "dreamhome":Location,location,location. Wait for the perfect location; you're going to live there for a long time. Enjoy this time of your life. May God bless & direct every step of this exciting adventure. Be patient and wait upon the Lord.
I am so jealous...LOL. I am TERRIBLE with money... Luckily, we only have one credit card, one car note, one house and a TON of student loans (thanks to private univeristies...). But, we eat out ALL OF THE TIME --literally, I may cook twice a month...YIKES. I think I need a support group. LOL! How do you get to be so, so...consistent? I have no will power. :) What kind of notebook did you have? email me...
ahhh... saving money and being cheap... right up my alley! got credit card debt down to about $1,500, and should have that knocked out within a year. i've transferred balances on 0% balance transfer specials for several years, so i havent paid interest in i dont know how long. however, they're on to me now... all the offers i get in the mail for 0% have a transfer fee... usually 3%, so i want the one i have now to be the last one. then i'll get the vehicle paid off and drive it till the wheels fall off.
my goal? to give more to Kingdom work. i'd love to be at 50% in a few more years. i've called for the Church to do that, so i'm putting my money where my mouth is.
great suggestions and ideas shelley! having been in retail management before, i know all about impulse buying. don't think for a minute that the stuff that's at the cash registers is there by accident!
had a situation this morning. it seemed like it had been awhile since i'd gotten a statement from citibank so i logged on and my stinkin payment was due 3 days ago! this means i lose my 0% interest rate, so i called and told the first guy that i didnt get my statement nor did i get my email notification, and i was concerned about how this would affect my rate. all he had to say was "i don't really know how it will affect your rate. all i can do is take your payment over the phone (which costs a tidy $25). so i said i wanted to speak to someone that could tell me how it will affect my interest rate. and the guy goes "and who would that be?" so i said "how about your boss??" so i get the supervisor on the line and he suspends the late fee and keeps my interest rate intact for me.
it takes a little perseverance, but you CAN get them to cooperate some of the time....
I need some guidance from you! We buy tons of groceries, but always seem to eat out for lunch and dinner, so that is a waste. I have the groceries at home, so I need to figure out how to plan my meals and stick with them. We would be saving so much!!! We are both still in school, but hope to buy a house in around 4-5 years, so if we start saving now, we would have no problem! HELP!!!!
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