to answer the most asked question of the week (or should I say month)
NO, I am not going back to work when the kids get in school. I already have a job. I am a mom.
When I tried to multitask, and be a mom AND work, one of those got the short end of the stick, and it wasn't the one who was writing my check.
My kids make me crazy, yes. Pretty often. But I would not trade the time I had with them this summer for any paycheck.
I am glad I will be able to pick them up afterschool, and have lunch dates with them, and be the fun homeroom mom again.
I am also glad I will have adult time to myself with no kids, I won't deny that one.
If you are thinking, I WISH I could do that....
"Sit home and do nothing all day", well, I won't even address that one..... BUT, if you'd like to stay home with your kids, do it.
It CAN be done.
We sold vehicles to achieve this, and put moving into a new house on hold. Is it worth it? Yes.
Can you do it?
Yes, if you really want to. (plenty say they can't afford it, but in 99% of those cases, I am not buying it. we have debt too, and we can do it.)
So, to answer this for hopefully the last time, NO, I am NOT getting another job. My job title is MOM and WIFE and that is plenty on my plate :)
Stay at home mom's ROCK! A lot of people don't realize how much they really have to do as part of their "job".
I totally think the sacrifice is worth it too! They're only little once and you can never get this time back. I'm just thankful I've found a lot of other stay-at-home moms to vent to. It doesn't quite work when I'm complaining about my day to friends that do work outside the home. lol! I think the hardest part of being a stay-at-home mom is that it's 24/7 and some people think you don't deserve a break b/c you "don't do anything all day!" Never judge until you've walked a mile in another person's shoes.
I,myself,am tired of hearing this from "well meaning" friends......and thats all I will say about that.:D
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