discouraged, but learning
Hebrews 12:3 For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin.You’re knocking yourself out caring for your kids and they don’t seem to appreciate it. You’re witnessing to friends and relatives. They think you are weird and hypocritical. You’re working hard on a project at church and getting lots of criticism, but no help. You spend half your paycheck on daycare and gas. Your sweet little girl or boy has gotten too old to hug you in public.…Maybe it isn't other people who have you down. It's you! (I should say, it’s ME)
You can't stop using curse words when you burn yourself on your flatiron. You lost your temper with your kids again. You can't get your house clean. You can't master the skill of reading and writing daily or even weekly devotions...Consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners…Do any of the things that discourage us even compare to the injustice suffered by our sinless Savior? He deserved nothing but worship and glory, but received hostility. We deserve hell, but have received grace! (Brandy, I don’t know if I will ever see the word Grace again and not think of Karis) If we purposely focus on “considering Him,” we will not become discouraged so easily.
I am doing better on my daily devotion reading. I have to say, controversial or not, I love my message bible. It is not my primary bible, but a reference book for me. Here’s an example of a familiar verse and the way it is interpreted in the KJV, and in the Message:
“Our Father in heaven,Hallowed be Your name.Your kingdom come.Your will be doneOn earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread.And forgive us our debts,As we forgive our debtors.And do not lead us into temptation,But deliver us from the evil one.For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
The Message:“Our Father in heaven,Reveal who you are.Set the world right;Do what’s best -As above, so below.Keep us alive with three square meals.Keep us forgiven with youand forgiving others.Keep us safefrom ourselves and the Devil.You’re in charge!
This is just one example. Before you pass judgement on it, I challenge you to look at one, in comparison to the translation that you normally use. I have a living Bible, a KJV, a NIV, and a Thompson Chain Reference. They all vary, but I never rely on only one when researching.
I like the Message, but only simply to paraphrase what I have not understood. I don't have one, but have used others as a reference before.
Good luck with the cursing thing. Yeah my words are like four or five a day. It is bad when your sons starts repeating it. This is when you know that they come out more than they should. Just to let you know that you and Ryan are not the only strugglers.
i love my message bible, too. don't worry about what other's think so much, and do what works for you. i promise you ( and promising is not something i do) god WILL meet you where you are. that's one of the things i find so great about him.
and that's exactly why i gave her that name, i wanted to make sure i never forgot not only his provision, but what a gift of grace it was....and she still is. and so is the new blessing that has followed because of our change of heart.....because of god's faithful teaching and guiding.
when we took a wrong turn...because we were trying, he met us where we were, gifted us with a blessing anyway, and guided us his way. he'll do the same for you. just don't stop following.
and i have a lot bigger fish to fry than to worry about the #$%! that came out of my mouth today! tee-hee!
Just pulled into Shawnee and had to check my email and Bloglines before retiring. I'm pooped, but not enough to pass up this comment...
"Consider Him..." Exactly. May Jesus have the centrality in our hearts, lives, and minds. May our entire desire be to reflect His image to our friends, community, and family. May Jesus be continually lifted up by speech, conduct, and focus.
You are a great encouragement. Thank you!
Okay can I say I just want to jump up and down that I am not the only one who lets the four letter words slip!!!I definitely thought I was alone in that struggle.
Ok Shelley!!! Dont get down on yourself....please!!!! WOW in the past few weeks you have been such an encouragement to me!!! Tonight i was asked to go out and i just didnt want to go.....THANKS to everyone who is praying for me!!!! I dont expect you to be perfect.....I expect you to be human but please know God has a purpose for you and your life....i check this blog like i do myspace and everyday God speaks to me....slowly without even being aware of it I have seen a desire for more of God in my life grow each day!!!! so please dont get down on yourself!!!! Im praying for you girl...keep your head up!!! luv ya
Okay that comment from Jamie was actually from me-hahahaha I just noticed that I was apparently signed in under his name...LOL
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