Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Reconnecting with my baby girl

Raise your hand if you wanted to sleep in today! Karsyn and I am dragging around, wishing we would have caught a few extra zzz's. We are planning a day of nothing, other than possibly going back to the library. Although she isn't reading yet, she loves that place.
It blows my mind how my kids are total opposites. She is so laid back, and willing to go with me on errands with no complaining, or to just hang out and watch tv and draw or color. Jordan, on the other hand, prefers constant entertainment, centered completely on HER and HER wants and needs. May be a long summer, huh!

Seriously, though, I am really enjoying reconnecting with my baby girl. She and I had a rough start. I was hospitalized at UAMS in preterm labor for a month and a half before she was born. Lots of meds, fetal heart tones every two hours (if I wasn't on the machines already) and tons of stress tests. It was a nightmare. The ordeal itself was a challenge, but was an extra hard thing to handle because I had an 18 month old at home missing momma. Jordan had never been away from me, and suddenly she was without me for 6 weeks.
Once Karsyn arrived, 9 weeks prematurely, the weeks of hard contractions had taken its toll on her and she didn't thrive.
She was on a ventilator for weeks. It was toture for me and Michael. Eventually, everything worked out and we went home, FINALLY.
So here I am with my now 19 month old, and a newborn. Not just two in in diapers that is a toddler.......and one with COLIC.
oh my, the joys of colic.
There were days I met Michael at the door with a kid in each arm, all of us crying, saying I CAN'T DO IT. I CAN'T. THIS ISN'T FOR ME.
Jordan was the easiest baby ever, so maybe that's why I am getting paid back now, with her demanding-ness. If she wouldn't have been a great toddler, I think I would've pulled my hair out.
Jordan slept all night as soon as we were able to stop giving her medication through the night. (She was 11 weeks premature)
Karsyn.......well, she slept all night when she was TWO.
Once we got past all the hard times of babyhood, things began to look up, though, and we have been rocking along ever since. Of course we still have daily problems, but Miss Karsyn has grown into a sweet little girl, the colicky crying days long gone.

I am enjoying my time with her, playing outside, and letting her play restaurant and "take my order" a hundred times a day.
I am a blessed mother. We had a rough start, but we are blessed, and I recognize that.
Hardly anyone has a 100% healthy premature baby born as early as my kids. I have TWO of them.


Sugar-n-Spice May 2, 2007 at 9:30:00 AM CDT  

the last line you wrote was exactly what i was's hard to believe they came that early and you can't even tell now. what an amazing story of god's grace and love.

here's to you and your premies!

Shelley May 2, 2007 at 9:59:00 AM CDT  

girl that is just the tip of the iceberg, Jordan had a grade IV IVH (brain bleed) and was supposed to have cerebral palsy.
The blood "resolved" (disappeared) in one week.
(Medically impossible.) We went back for shunt placement and when the ultrasound was done, they were in shock because the blood wasn't there anymore and she didn't have to have a shunt.
The doctors had no explanation.... Bet you know what the REAL explanation was, huh?

K.T. is Mommatude May 2, 2007 at 1:08:00 PM CDT  

What a wonderful story,and what a triumph...They are both absolutely gorgeous!!!

Sugar-n-Spice May 2, 2007 at 3:53:00 PM CDT  

i love it, shelly!

somehow, i missed all the new posts between your coming to journey, and this one. i just browsed through and saw all your pictures, and just now realized you had decided to stay at home. wow. i'm excited for you....and the faith walk you are on. it's sure to grow you relationship with your providing god.

for a "stay-at-home" mom, i keep the roads hot, but anytime you'd like a play day, just holler. at my house, the more, the merrier.

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