Saturday, April 14, 2007

Ready for Warm Weather!


The little taste of warm weather we had a couple weeks ago spoiled me. I am ready for capris and tank tops! These cold days we are having now is so depressing! I can't wait until it gets warm again.
I have senior pics to do tomorrow, and I hope the gloomy clouds are gone. I am shooting some for Seth Oxner, and these are the first guy ones I have done in a while. Seth recently signed to play for the Arkansas Razorbacks, and shortly thereafter had a serious knee injury occur that required extensive surgery. So.... Seth's going to have to pull off his brace and drop the crutches in order to take them tomorrow. Hope the big lug can balance well, cause if he falls, I sure can't get him back up!
We are about to enjoy a quiet evening at home. Michael is gone to pick up our fish dinners we bought from a local church fundraiser. Mmmmmmmmmmm!
Now if the sun will just pop out in the morning, my weekend will be complete!
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