Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Home alone. GAG!

I am so NOT a desperate housewife. I don't really even understand the term, since I have been both the stay at home mom, and a working mom. I LONG for my mornings of running around in pj pants and cooking breakfast at 8:30. Although I experienced the burn out days, of being bored at home, now those memories are very faint.
Not working full time isn't an option now, I HAVE to work. It has it's rewards as well, to have a sense of purpose in a different aspect, but I miss my full time mom days.
Anyone that gets to be a stay at home mom should count their blessings, I miss it! If you are a desperate housewife, GET OVER IT, I wish I was a housewife again!
My husband is in Fayettville working today, as he is every two weeks. He installs interlocks, you know, those things drunk drivers are ordered to have in their cars?? That's what he does, along with sell phones. I absolutely HATE going to bed without seeing him. He will come draggin' in at 2 am, half dead from driving, and it sucks. It's torture to fall asleep in bed alone. My kids will raise cain because he isn't there to tuck them in. We are a family of FOUR, not three! I could never be a single mom, OR a pipeliner's wife! I am too needy!


K.T. is Mommatude April 10, 2007 at 5:34:00 PM CDT  

Not a desperate housewife.....but I do find I get alot of flack for NOT being a desperate housewife...people always remarking on my job status.....that part sucks.

Sugar-n-Spice April 10, 2007 at 9:18:00 PM CDT  

those girls are too cute!

i do cherish being at home....much more now that i've worked for a couple of years, and have returned home. there definitely are days of feeling as though i'm not contributing...but i love having laid back mornings and field trips whenever i feel like it.

i read where you are planning to come to journey on sunday....i look forward to meeting you. my girls are right around your girls' ages, maybe they'll hit it off well. one thing is sure, there are lots of young couples and lots of kids running around....that's how i like it!

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