Saturday, December 6, 2008

the solution

As I have said before, it's really hard to challenge my oldest child when it comes to reading material. She is quite above what's considered average, but I don't want to give her subject matter that's too "old" for her. Because of this, I decided I would try and find "classic" type reading for her, which led me to searching for Newberry Award lists. I got her and K a "lot" of books on ebay, which is where I get most of their books. The ones included are in the picture above. She is in Heaven at the moment, arranging them in her "library" in the playroom. All else fails, go 'old school', huh? These are really for 5-6th grade, but they will work just fine.
(and by the way, I highly reccomend you check out Bellelise booksellers in town. She sells great used books for really cheap, and also stocks a lot of the best sellers (new) and has a wonderful kids' section. We get a lot on there, too)


Abby December 6, 2008 at 8:24:00 PM CST  

Hi! Thanks so much for becoming one our followers on Steals and Deals!

I love a kid that loves to read! I am actually working on a degree in library science so it is a love of mine as well!

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