the last major purchase
was a 32 inch plasma for our bedroom. My husband wanted a billboard size tv, but I didn't. (and to anyone that thinks you should not have a tv in the bedroom, save your breath, I don't agree, and never will!) We went with a wall mount that I can angle in the corner, and can be adjusted. This is the last "big" thing we will be buying for the house. We have followed an extremely careful budget through all this, and I am proud to say we still have zero credit card debt. There are a lot of things I would love to be able to run out and buy, but I refuse to finance anything, so we aren't going to.
I still have no pictures hung. BUT, the good news is, my very talented, crafty father came over and did several small repair jobs, and one LARGE one; which was moving the pantry off the wall/cabinets and made my refridgerator fit! He is still not done with that project, but at least it isn't sitting in the middle of the room anymore.
My mom helped me do more cleaning. There is still a LOT of that to be done. It's still flowing together pretty nicely though. We are bringing the dogs over here tomorrow. We are 99% sure we are giving Mylee away to the new owners of our old house. She is simply too meddlesome for me, and I don't have the patience for her. The new owners currently have a mastiff, so they know what they are in for.
Also, here's the heads up to my photo clients: I am planning a harvest set up very soon, complete with pumpkins and hay and etc. It will be similar to my Easter special; where you get a limited number of photos taken for a very low fee, and I will be running a print pricing special.
Now, off to help Michael hang the tv. Who would've thought I would ever say that?
On sick days like this, I don't know what I'd do without a TV in the bedroom.
Sweet TV!
We have a Vizio in our bedroom too. I love having a TV in the bedroom. I don't think there's anything wrong with it either!
whats wrong with a tv in the bedroom!!!
I dont know how I would get through this right now without the tv and the computer in here.
Before all of this,I had told my husband that he could splurge at the black friday sale and buy one but not before then...doubt he will be going now but we do need a new tv now....
I love my tv in my room...That is the best time for Jason and I to watch tv and have what I call our "pillow talk." Love the tv Shelley
I am completely with you on the tv in the bedroom part. I am a television/movie fanatic and have to have my tv/dvr in my room b/c i dvr everything. i can't stand to watch commercials anymore! haha
Anthony and I were all about not having a TV in the bedroom...then the new XBox 360 football game came out and I demanded one. You can only watch so much of that and only do so much on the computer. We have 2 vizio's. Anthony wanted to get the one that you got, but I told him it was too big for our room.
I'm all about tv in the bedroom. Jon and I love when we can put the kiddies to bed and then we get to curl up in the bed. We do the whole "pillow talk" thing to. Plus the tv gives you something extra to talk about.
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