The Blame Game
“All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him, but you won't succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy.” - Wayne Dyer
No buts about it, that is a very good quote. If you don't like an aspect of your life, then change it.
Will it be hard? Probably. Will it cause chaos in your life? Maybe so. Will it cause you to make some hard choices, face some hard realities, and let go of some of the security that you have had in your life up to this point? Very likely to, but sometimes we need to step away from the safety nets.
Or, you could just do nothing and stay unhappy with your circumstances. After all, it's fast, easy, and sometimes even rewarding to point the finger at everyone else as being the cause for your unhappiness.
If it's everyone else's fault, then by default, you must be perfect, right? There's always things that occur that we can't physically change, like my dad's illness. But when that happens, all we can do, is embrace each other, celebrate today, and pray hard.
“There is a Spiritual Solution for Every Problem”, is an amazing book that touches on every day battles that a lot of us face. (Follow that link and read it's summary if you have time)
That book can change a life, and gave me wisdom to go make some changes for myself. And I know it can certainly help others, regardless of their what their problems or situation may be.
Our society puts so much emphasis on placing blame, whether it’s on others, or on yourself. Pointing the finger, no matter which direction that finger is pointed, is rather 'pointless' given the law of attraction.
We ALWAYS have a choice. We may not be able to change our situations or conditions, but we can always choose how we’re feeling, and how we’re going to allow others to have an impact on our lives.
You can look at our whole society, mostly the court system, and see the impact that "blaming" attitude has. Some areas are a lot more noticeable than others...
It becomes so easy to say someone else did something without looking at the root of the problem. It snowballs in so many ways.....
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