Monday, May 26, 2008


Have you noticed that you can no longer go a single day without hearing the word "green" in association with the enviornment, food, cars, products, parenting, etc.? I'm not against being "green minded" in many areas, as long as it isn't a decision that leads me to financial ruin just to be politically correct. I am one who does what I think is best for my family. I try to be a good steward of the planet and all that God has given me, but I am also in favor of pesticides that rid my home of ants/bugs/spiders. I am also a big ol' SUV driving mother, because I don't feel nearly as safe in little, gas efficient cars. I fed my kids jarred baby food. (And formula) I used disposable diapers. I have never recycled anything, not even a coke can. I put frontline on my dogs. I never drink water.

The problem with the transition to going green is that it’s not easy. In fact, it’s really rather overwhelming even thinking about changing the way in which we live. Sure, I can say I would always recycle when possible, if it was only easier.....
I can't start changing my lightbulbs to those twisty ones, because my mother can't be around that for of light. I do try find a way to reuse things - like parkay containers and plastic walmart bags - but this is simply not enough, and I know it. In the past I’ve thought about going green, but given excuses why I can’t. After all, I can’t just go out and buy a hybrid car, even if I wanted one, or change all my appliances. The cost of going green in some ways is staggering isn’t it? Then again, we have to consider the cost of not going green. Am I the only one who sees all the strange weather and severe weather events going on in the US and feel a little disoriented? You think we are somehow causing all this havoc?

So, a little at a time, I’m going to make one more step to going green. Starting out simply, I intend by the end of the year to have a much greener house than I do at the present. I can’t be much more specific in how I’m going to approach this at present, because frankly I don’t know how. And maybe that’s a good first step, to learn what I can and can't do, and see what I am willing to change, and what I am not.
This month, I am going to start to reduce the amount of packaging I’m using. I can say I do take my own bags to sav a lot, other than that...... I am pretty wasteful.

I want to say too, we need to do something about the availability of GOOD greener cleaners. Blake and I got some "green" cleaner a few months back, and it is TERRIBLE! I am really into vinegar and baking soda cleaners. That's all I use for my bathrooms. It's awesome on showers. I’m going to tell you a secret.... I love the smell of pine sol, and I just can’t imagine cleaning with things that don’t smell clean. I need a good "green" cleaner that leaves a good smell. I want you to KNOW I have cleaned all day when you walk in my house!

I will also admit, I HATE organic food. I have tried several things, and they were just not up to par to me. I don't know how to get up to speed on this stuff!


K.T. is Mommatude May 26, 2008 at 7:34:00 PM CDT  


I had thought about using the green cleaners too...

We sound very similar in our methods-

Drea May 26, 2008 at 8:22:00 PM CDT  

I think its good to be careful how we handle our trash.. being mindful so we arent wasteful, you know? I think many people dont realize how much trash we produce... so I think its something we should watch... and thats not hard to do.

I love green cleaners :-)

And actually I love organic food (some)... some organic is nasty, but most isnt bad! I think you just have to know what to buy.. and from where. Walmart is not a good place to buy organically :-)

The thing I really changed in my life was what I put in and on my body. We ate a lot of frozen/preservative foods... boxed stuff.. and its packed full of words I cant even define.. let alone spell.. I knew that couldnt be good for us... and I feel so much healthier since reading ingredients and making sure I know what is going in my kids stomach as well as my own.

Another big change was my make up and my facial/body products.

I use all organic and natural soaps. (shampoo varies.. Im not a stickler on that one but right now do have a nice organic all natural shampoo - doesnt lather like regular stuff tho!)

But my face has never been cleaner in all my years.. ive always struggle with breakouts (pimple here, pimple here, constant!) and since switching to an organic natural soap with out those harsh chemicals my face is so clear. I can walk out without make up and not feel ashamed.

Also my make up had a huge impact... instead of using all those filler make ups with crazy chemicals.. i use an organic natural make up from

its expensive but honestly its no more expensive that store make up int he long run. the initially investment is hard.. but once you buy the brushes, and the essentials you need.. it last forever! I can use 1 mineral foundation from her store ... and it will last me a year. IF NOT MORE! and i wear make up atleast 5 days a week.

SO my make up budget yearly is about 50 dollars now.
I just think as long as we are comfortable with how we are living.. and careful with what we eat and how we eat.. then its fine either organic or not.

I will invest a little more in certain things... but i will in no way go into debt to "live green"

Anonymous,  May 26, 2008 at 10:33:00 PM CDT  

I am trying to make one healthy change at a time in my life. I quite drinking pop (diet) about two weeks ago, and the skin on my face quit breaking out. I just felt guilty about what I was putting into my body, so I quite, and God blessed me with better looking skin. Like I said, one change at a time, and I don't plan to worry in the meantime!

Kristen May 26, 2008 at 11:17:00 PM CDT  

I can totally relate to this. It's a huge undertaking and it usually falls to the bottom of my list.

I did get this book that helps baby=step your way into going green. It's called Squeaky Green.(Method)

Mandy May 27, 2008 at 10:12:00 AM CDT  

What 'green' cleaners did you try? I really like "simply green" brand, you can get it from walmart. It smells good! :) I just bought Clorox's new Green Works. I love the kitchen cleaner.. hate the bathroom cleaner. I totally admit that without a "bleachy" smell.. the bathroom just doesn't say clean to me. It was also hard to wipe away.. and I hated its smell.

We eat organic food whenver possible. I'm no longer buying organic apples though.. the prices are just too high. It's over double what a bag of regular apples cost. I just SCRUB the heck out of 'em. We do buy organic carrots (great!!), rasins, baby snacks/food, and stuff like that. I do "natural" eggs.. the ones that specifically say the hens are fed only multi-grain diets. Those eggs are better... and I'm not a big egg eater.

I think the easiest "going green" step to take is to start recycling. Call the recycling place and see if they'll come pick yours up. If you life inside city limits they typically will. We live out in the country so we store a few weeks of stuff in our storage shed and then clayton throws it all in the van and drops it off at the place at our convenience. It's REALLY easy! We were just out there yesterday crushing cans and looking at all that we saved from being thrown into the dump.. it's overwhelming. If everyone would just pick one thing to recycle.. it would make such a difference. Can's are easy, and if you take the to Pine Bluff or Lake Village they'll pay you for them. Walmart sacks are super easy! Just take them to the school or take them back to walmart! Every little bit helps... We're not totally green here either.. but we do our best to do our part. If I could cram all of my kids into a Prius.. we might buy one! lol We have a van.. though it gets better gas mileage than an SUV, it's not great. When we can I'd love to buy something with better mileage.. especially with the current gas prices! ack!

Amy May 28, 2008 at 8:59:00 PM CDT  

I got my first set of envirosax in January and still use them when I remember...LOL. My sister has taught me a lot though...she cloth diapers, cloth wipes, organic cleaners, all local-grown or organic fruits and veggies. But the biggest thing for ME lately is organic milk and meats. It terrfies me knowing I have girls that are eating all of these foods with hormones and steroids... I don't want them to develop any faster than they will naturally, you know? So I am a stickler on organic milk and meats...the other stuff I try my best.

I'll get around to the recycling, but like you said, it is all about little steps at a time. Good luck!

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