Friday, May 16, 2008


I like to be different.

When something I do isn't different anymore, and others do it, I typically change it. Like this blog. I paid for this layout, in order to be different. Immediately others pop up that look exactly like it. Do I view it as flattering? Nope. It makes me want to rip it down and start over. Do I know it is a tweaked FREE layout? Yes. But forty bucks is easy to drop when it means not doing it myself.

I do what I want to do in pretty much every aspect. I am in a husband led household, and am proud to say so, but that works only because he is a reasonable, Christ led person that would never intentionally lead me the wrong way. Other than that, I rule me. I do what I like, because I like it. Take this, for example. I have ugly sunglasses. Not the big, ugly, I look like a fly trendy ones, but ugly sporty ones. They are Natives. They are not cute at all. But they are functional, good shades. Do I care if you think they are ugly? Nope. Not at all. Because I like them, that's all that matters. I am like that in everything I wear. I could care less if you like my shoes, my jeans, or my shirt. I honestly don't let it bother me if someone thinks something is too tight, too old, or etc. That's me. Take it or leave it.

It is NO fun to try to be an individual, only to have others follow suit with everything you do. I have a friend that has a relative that mimics everything from her haircuts to her cell phone. It makes her nuts. I can't imagine not being capable of making up my own mind.

I think some people like that are just people pleasers, and want to go along through life without ever rocking the boat. Well I will flip the boat over. And I will shove your hand off the edge when you try to get back in, and I will say, GET YOUR OWN BOAT!

It's a downfall of mine, that I let people irritate me like this. I shouldn't, and I know it.

I have let things like this bother me even more lately, as we cruise in and out of church, and get farther away from a routine of following His word. We try, and we struggle, to do the right things about church for our family, but we have failed lately. It's time to fix that. It's time to get over the anger about my dad's illness, and it's time to get over wannabes. I need to live a positive life again. I am ready.


Lou Arnold May 17, 2008 at 8:08:00 AM CDT  

Still praying for you. I know what it is like to get out of routine with church. It is hard to get back to a routine. Good luck. Love ya' girl.

Sugar-n-Spice May 17, 2008 at 6:12:00 PM CDT  

you know how i ya, prayin' for ya, and support ya! ;) i actually won't be at church tomorrow myself, but my attitude/perspective quickly loses focus when i'm not in fellowship with other believers who lovingly hold me accountable and encourage me to continue on the journey (no pun intended). ;) Let a christ family do the same for you! ;)

dean May 18, 2008 at 6:09:00 AM CDT  

hey.. I chased the Natives link. I first thought those glasses aren't ugly enough to keep people from imitating you in the eyewear department, either. Then I took note of the price, and I think it should be too cost prohibitive for anybody to want to make that kind of investment just to rip off your look :-)

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