Saturday, April 19, 2008

I'm Back

Contact me for portraits, I am back in the saddle. For now, things are under control with my dad, and we expect him home in a few days. I am available for booking whenever. We are only at the beginning of my dad's battle, but things are calming down, and I am sure I can take care of any commitments I make at this point.


Anonymous,  April 19, 2008 at 8:23:00 PM CDT  

luvin the ambience of that portrait, your little boy is too cute!

Shelley April 19, 2008 at 8:29:00 PM CDT  

He's a cutie, but I can't take credit for the genetics, his mommy is Dana Hines.

Sarah Albin April 19, 2008 at 10:15:00 PM CDT  

Glad you are back! We'll keep praying for your dad and your family. Let's chat soon!

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