Wednesday, February 13, 2008


We were contacted today by a collection agency. This happens all the time, due to losers named Michael Smith that do not pay their bills.

I was told that I had a delinquent AT&T bill from 2002. The ammount due is $581.70.

This is NOT our bill. We do NOT miss payments. And if we did, we would not be able to HAVE an at&T house phone for collection agencies to call on, now would we?

We got NOTHING in the mail about this, but they told me they had my address, and his name, birthday, and ss number on the account. I am furious, but tell them fine, I will make Michael call and clear it up. They say, HURRY, it will be on your credit within 24 hours.

Well, long story short, I am correct, it is NOT my debt, or his.

It belongs to Michael Smith at 1950 Eldridge Parkway, in Houston Texas. But one way or another, they have pinned that man's bill on my Michael's information. So, this loser gets out of paying his bill, and we had to cough up 600 bucks to keep it off his credit.

We are contacting a lawyer tomorrow. I am sick, and I am short tempered anyway.....this will NOT be good.


Debbi February 13, 2008 at 6:43:00 PM CST  

This would make me mad too - I remember a few times people called my dad because there is another Richard Bullard out there somewhere too. Crazy, but with Michael Smith I bet you get it so much more!

dean February 13, 2008 at 9:37:00 PM CST  

THAT is a bunch of unmitigated BS. i'm no lawyer, but i wish i was your lawyer. if they know the michael smith in question lives at a certain address in texas, why are they atill going after you guys.

i understand with an upcoming vehicle purchase and house purchase/construction, you need to keep your credit clean. i've had my credit dragged through the mud (all my own doing about 20 years ago) and while i have worked hard to re-establish and maintain good credit, i would have told them to take a leap. not saying you should have, but i would have. i'm no communist, but it's crap like this that makes me hate big corporations sometimes...

The Perry Family February 14, 2008 at 9:10:00 AM CST  

i also would have said do whatever you got to do b/c i ain't payin' it! haha really though, can they even put something that stupid on your credit? they are probably just saying that so you will pay. they will do anything to get their money and you might not have a fight b/c they would say if it wasn't yours and you weren't guilty of it, then why did you pay it and who the crap lets someone get a PHONE bill up that high anyway?

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