I am continually floored by the fools people will make of themselves while incognito.
Everyone knows I had issues with some random anonymous commenters. I guess they were too bored to say anything nice, or too scared to use their real name. For me, it was an inconvenience mostly, although it was something that angered me at times, when people were malicious about some religious things I won't rehash.
Now, people have figured out that doing that here won't get you anywhere, and thankfully, have stopped. (knock on wood....)
Apparently, those people have moved on to bigger and better things, at Monticello Live.
There's always been those sporadic few that throw in callous, rude remarks there. Nothing major, just people looking uneducated, saying things that almost always had no real information or facts to back them up. Usually, I would think, they are just annoying to the site's owner, Mr. Joe Burgess. Well, now, I am wondering if it is exceeding being annoying. I know it would if I was Mr. Burgess. As everyone knows, Monticello recently dealt with a tragic event. A local man (who will remain nameless here, although we all know who it is) was killed by a co worker. Before anyone knew this, there was a county wide manhunt, searching for this missing person, described as a loving family man, because no one had a clue where he had disappeared to. In the news stories regarding this death, people have left some really terrible remarks, and it leaves me dumbfounded. Think before you speak is not really a hard method to live by. There are also plenty of remarks running down our police force, our sheriff, and lots of other law enforcement, not only for their work on this case, but about recent drug arrests and etc.
I think people are missing the point of having the ability to comment. It's a NEWS site. The information is FACTUAL. If you dispute it, call Joe. I am sure he has checked and rechecked his info before posting it. It's not Joe Burgess Editorial Column, so I don't understand why on earth people respond to the stories as though they are chatting in a beauty shop under a hair dryer. And then there's the issue that these people very often post under random, anonymous names. If you don't want your name tagged to it, why say it? I am confused!
to answer your last question... i think the thinking goes more like this... "i want to say it. it's inaccurate and/or ignorant, but i still want to say it, so i don't tag my name to it." that way, when you're proven to be wrong and/or ignorant, you don't ever have to admit it OR apologize for it. you can just do it again... and again... and again. makes life simple. see now??
I am always game for a civilized debate, when there are true facts to break down, but so often in these cases, there's nothing there to discuss.
I love hearing different opinions, when sharing opinions is appropriate, but otherwise, most folks honestly don't care what ya think. Things like that keep going on, I would not be suprised if ML stopped the "concerned citizen" comments from being posted. And justifibly so.
also, in response to the email I just received from someone who reads my blog, but doesn't know how to comment, Joe Burgess, to my knowledge, does not read my blog. He in no way is responsible for the wording in this blog, or was in any way the instigating factor in it being written. I have always considered saying something of this nature, but was finally convinced I should when I received an email from a law enforcement officer in reference to some of the comments made about some recent drug busts. There's simply no sense in being harsh and downright slanderous on ML. And addressing the other issue in the first email I mentioned, I did NOT say "allegedly" killed by his co worker because he confessed. If his confession was not true, that is not my fault. I am simply stating what was on Channel 11 & 7, along with what was in the Advance. So NO, as I was asked in this email, I do not feel that I should fee legally obligated to say "allegedly" because of this, and because of the fact that I did not name names. Thanks for your email, and contrary to the way this sounds when I re-read it, it was not a rude email!
I have no idea whats going on over at ML,will have to check it out-
You have to remember what town you are in. We don't see it that much here, but that might be because we are new. I totally agree with you. I was reading all of those things the other night and I was floored. People just like to talk no matter if it is right or not. They want to be the first to "come out" with something. I am not too sure but I think he can be held liable just as newspaper and new stations with slander. Like I said "I am not 100% positive!"
I just don't understand why people want to comment knowing they can directly hurt someone else. I was always told that if you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all.
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