ramble ramble ramble
A final few words in summary on the subject of copyright infringement, plagiarism, and all out theft... When deciding whether you may be infringing copyright or commiting plagiarism, ask yourself this question:
"If I was the creator or photgrapher, how would I feel about someone 'copying my hard-work' whether it be photos, or a well written piece that has been published online?" (Sometimes "word-for-word)
I think "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"! Still don't steal my work, please!
Avoid libel suits. Never defame anyone in your writing. Never assume anything. Don't write anything on a blog that you would not want published on the front page of the Advance Monticellonian with your photo and a byline.
As bloggers we are very privileged people who can directly influence public opinion. Most people don't have the opportunity to defend themselves through the avenue of publicly written words on an easily accessed website. So it's a heavy responsibility we bloggers have to convey the truth (is that subjective or absolute? - that's an entire blog entry all by itself). Well our opinion of the truth, anyway.
If you haven't got a kind word to say about someones blog entry, don't say it at all. You can disagree without attacking the person. Constructive criticism, when used correctly, is a great tool.
Most of the above information is based on pure common-sense and using your own discernment. However, many bloggers and commentors don't have an abundance of the aforementioned qualities in making judgments, as we have been seeing quite frequently.
Just because YOU read a blog and took it "one way" that's no reason to push off YOUR impression of it onto someone else. If you want to share the link, fine, but don't go off telling people how they should think, because sadly enough, a lot of people can't, or won't, think for themselves and form their own opinion.
When in doubt about what course to take on whether or not a comment is ok, or right clicking and saving a photo is not theft, just ask yourself this: If you were the author or creator of the site, would you like someone else copying your work, or saying 'those things' about you?
Even if you have been badly hurt by someone in the past, don't be tempted to retaliate and take vengeance for "the sordid past" through your words. Everyone has made mistakes they may regret in life, so TRY to think the best of people. At least try! And if you can't.... AVOID THEM till you can!
"Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." isn't that compicated.
And as for my last post on photograph theft, via lifting them online, or scanning a hardcopy, it's never ok.
And I know people question the cost of portraits, and equate that to thinking photographers get rich "off them."
Well, when my lenses cost over a thousand dollars each, it takes a LOT of pictures to pay for that, and the other thousands I have in my cameras, flashes, and other equipment, not to mention the costs of websites, insurance, advertising, and etc.
Also, I think it's a little known fact to a lot of people that cameras DO wear out. They have what's known as a shutter life. I only get so many "clicks" and it's kaput. So no, I never get to a point that it is all paid off. I am steadily replacing. I have been in the photo business (on a very small scale) for 6 years or so. I am on a 4th Canon Camera at the moment. I shoot nowhere NEAR as much as a true pro photog that relies on their camera to feed their family. Their costs of replacing equipment would be much higher than mine, as would be paying expenses to own/operate a studio. (And then there's always taxes.....)
But anyway, the real point is, I am not a mean, vindictive person. I AM tired of the rude comments (that always seem to fall on my religous type posts and no others). If you truly question something I have written, by all means, comment, but there's more than one way to go about that.
That is all very well said.
Oh, and this is just my 2 cents on people complaining about the cost of pictures. There have been so many situations when someone has come to me for pictures of their kids, and have 3 or 4 expensive namebrand outfits for their kids to wear for the picture, but yet aren't willing to pay for the pictures. Or we will arrive to an elaborate wedding, and realize we are the cheapest paid people here. Of course I would feel the way I do, but how can people put more value in the clothes, food, all that will only last a short time, but then feel like the photos that will last a lifetime should not be worth anything??? O.K. that is my soapbox for the day.
Oh, and I also appreciate what you said about how much it costs to have a business. People really have no idea.
I agree.
The tongue is a powerful tool. The internet is a powerful tool.
The power of life and death lies within the tongue.
It reveals a persons heart. True heart issues. So watch out. You may expose your true feelings while speaking against someone else!
I remember a time in my life where I heard prophetic words spoken to a person I knew was doing unrighteous things; even being mean to others, yet the words of the Lord spoken to and into him were encouraging.
This messed my mind up and I asked the Lord why He spoke such things to this person when He knew how this person was acting.
God told me that He spoke the goodness that was in this person so that he could recognize it and would seek to walk in it.
Oh the mercy of the Lord is renewed every morning.
We have to keep before us that it was God’s words that created…created even us….created even them.
We must stay alert that we don’t cause problems for others and ourselves by the words we speak.
Speak LIFE.
Your anonymous commenter needs our prayers, when all we really want to do is push them as far away as we can. The malicious words spoken against your pastor was ill thought up, and untrue, and unjust.
Stay strong, Mr Nobel, we journeyguy readers know where your faith lies.
much love to you
Sunshine & Rainbows
partnership for a God loving world
Make no mistake about it, you will be called into question by man. They will question and doubt. Will you have the fortitude to withstand?
I pray so. Continue to spread his good works and name, and to turn the other cheek, my sister in christ.
Victoria, BC
Another maddening trend is that homosexuality and abortion debates dominate media coverage, as if those are the only topics that matter to Christians. I am glad to read your blog, and those of your friends that cover the daily battles that we all face, not just the huge ones.
I have been guilty of cd burning, in order to aquire free (of all things) budgeting software for my home pc. Such an ironic choice, to steal in order to learn to manage money better!
I saw your fellow church members at the ballgame on Friday night, enjoying their fellowship in an unlikely non church atmosphere. What a joyous sight it was. Slowly but surely you are getting the idea out there that tradional church worship isn't the only way to go in SEARK.
go blue steel!
Yeah well, there are some of us that KNOW how you really are Shelley! hahaha...
I, for one, am glad for your site. I am very interested in what believers have to say, it always gives me more food for thought. There are just mean people in the world...I would prefer to meet them in a comment than in real life. You can always delete the comment...unfortunately you can't delete the "mean" out of their spirit in real life.
Wow! Your article really hit home, and it's great to see so many positive anonymous folks out there! ;)
Keep up the great work! Thanks for the kind post and exhortations!
I posted on some blogging tips over at my blog a while back too.
Darlene said, "You can always delete the comment...unfortunately you can't delete the "mean" out of their spirit in real life." ... Wow! Great thought!
i remember awhile back when another regular blogger was having difficulty accepting critical anonymous comments on their blog, and that person was told they needed to have thick skin or else dont blog. they deleted their blog and started a new one, so i can't go back in their archives and see who to attribute that particular comment to, but i do vividly remember the comment being made.
when you choose to put your thoughts out there on the 'net for all the world to read, you have every reason to expect that there will be folks who are going to be critical of your opinions and viewpoints, and you just accept the negative along with the positive. it comes with the territory. i welcome dissent and disagreement, and the spirited debate that goes along with that. if the only comments i ever got were people agreeing with everything i said, this would get rather boring.
as for not not writing anything in a blog that i wouldnt want on the front page of the advance (not that i'd want to ever write for that publication), blogging is more akin to editorializing than it is to reporting. blogging is more often than not, giving one's opinion (as is the case with this particular post), which gives the blogger more latitude in what they say rather than just reporting facts. so i'm not sure about the statement: "Just because YOU read a blog and took it "one way" that's no reason to push off YOUR impression of it onto someone else. If you want to share the link, fine, but don't go off telling people how they should think, because sadly enough, a lot of people can't, or won't, think for themselves and form their own opinion." giving one's opinion isnt pushing one's impression off on everyone else... it's simply giving one's opinion (whether it be in a post or in a comment) and leaving it out there for others to agree or disagree.
i do appreciate your passion on the topic though, shelley!
I still stand behind my statement that people do NOT read blogs as editorials a lot of the time, they do expect them to be factual.
Especially mine, since people always try to destruct my biblical references.
"Just because YOU read a blog and took it "one way" that's no reason to push off YOUR impression of it onto someone else. If you want to share the link, fine, but don't go off telling people how they should think, because sadly enough, a lot of people can't, or won't, think for themselves and form their own opinion." giving one's opinion isnt pushing one's impression off on everyone else... it's simply giving one's opinion (whether it be in a post or in a comment) and leaving it out there for others to agree or disagree.
I still stand behind my original statement. Yes, some people do follow like lemmings when told how they should interpret something. Writers (and people that forward things) should be aware of the weight that their opinion may carry.
not only do i appreciate your passion for the topic, shelley, but i admire your willingness to stand by your original statement. one, it shows your commitment to what you really believe to be right. two, it pretty much makes my point... standing by your original statement proves that stating one's impressions is certainly within the realm of acceptable blogging practice.
if we blogged by the rule of no impressions (opinions) allowed, jeff would have to repent of every negative thing he's ever written about houston nutt, mark wegley would have to take back many of the things he said to one of his commenters in his post “open letter to a blog commenter” (not to mention many of the things he and I have had “conversations” about, which quite frankly i wouldnt trade for 1,000 page views per day), jason king would have to delete everything he wrote about the sales tax and its proponents, and 95% of blogging in general would be reduced to what we had for lunch and where the kids played this weekend.
freedom of speech is too valuable a right to give up because a few lazy people out there that read us might actually believe it when someone says the razorbacks are the best team in the SEC (when its obvious that LSU is :-)
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