Sunday, September 23, 2007

google this......if you are inquisitive enough

'Lo taamod al dam reakha'


Anonymous,  September 23, 2007 at 7:38:00 PM CDT  

Leviticus 19:16...

OK, I'm curious... where did you see this? Recently, Elie Wiesel used this Hebrew in a speech about the atrocities in Darfur. Where did you come across it?

Shelley September 23, 2007 at 7:41:00 PM CDT  

it's oprah's book club slogan......, from this persons use of it:

Holocaust Survivor/Nobel Peace Prize Winner Elie Wiesel - "It's a kind of command which governs my life. In Hebrew it is called 'Lo taamod al dam reakha', 'Thou shalt not stand idly by. When the blood of your fellow human beings is being shed, I have no right to stand idly by.'" Leviticus 19:16.

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