Thursday, September 20, 2007

Finally good news from school!

I think most everyone knows I have had a hard time with my kids in school this year. So, when I see that I have an email from Jordan's teacher, I am thinking.....oh no. What now....

Well, Mrs. Sawyer said only great things, YAY! She said she checked on her ITBS scores. She scored the highest in the school on Literacy and the 4th highest in Math. This is such a huge blessing in a lot of ways. As most people know, she, like Misty's son, was a preemie. During all her struggles in the NICU, she had a grade III brain bleed, and was expected to have mental retardation and CP.
Long story short, she is my miracle baby, and is totally fine. Having her REACH her goals is amazing, much less having her exceed them. It's so wonderful to continue to see our prayers be answered about her. Many nights went by that I was learning to deal with the fact that my child was not going to ever be ok mentally. To have her overcome that, is so wonderful.

Karsyn has also NOT gotten in trouble all week. This is HUGE! That kid has talked too much all year long. Not that they have been in school that long....but still, it was very discouraging! If she makes it through tomorrow with no disciplinary actions, I will be soooo happy!! I will make sure I post about it Friday afternoon, because if she makes it, I want ANYONE that sees her on Sunday to mention it!! I have been talking it up big time, trying to encourage her.

I am also going to take this post as an opportunity to commend our great public school teachers! Jordan stayed home with me full time until kindergarten. Lots of people thought I should have put her into preschool. I did my best to work with her at home, and knew based on her kindergarten placement test that she was fine, since she made a 98. But she really began to blossom into the mature reader that she is from the GREAT teaching she got from Melissa Reid, and Paula Lane. (And also Linda Sawyer this year) She always had the drive to want to read, and with the encouragement and excellent guidance she got from Melissa, she is truly thriving. I love that I didn't have to put her into private schools for her to get this ever growing education.


Mom of these kids September 20, 2007 at 7:36:00 PM CDT  

That is wonderful. I saw so many "miracles" today. Shelley, I thought of you, how you went through that twice. I have never been in the NICU until today, and my eyes were really opened.

That is awesome that your girls have done so well!

Sarah Albin September 20, 2007 at 8:02:00 PM CDT  

Congrats to both girls! And great job to Mom and Dad too!

Misty September 20, 2007 at 9:19:00 PM CDT  

I can totally relate to both girls. Mason being a preemie came with lots of unknowns. Would he ever function normally?! And now that he does, I have to worry about him talking too much in school too! He doesn't go a week without getting in trouble at school. Never anything major, but being in trouble for anything is unacceptable. We've got a long way to go! ;)

dean September 20, 2007 at 10:27:00 PM CDT  


glad to hear how well your kids are doing. in a way i know how you feel because as you can imagine, a number of our kids here have more than their share of trouble at school, and we always are kind of waiting for the phone calls... either from the school or from their case managers. so when they make an honor roll or even just get through a week without some kind of drama, it really goes a long way toward things running smoothly in the cottage.

the reason i say "in a way" is because when its your own kids i'm sure there is a much more profound effect on you as a parent, but all in all, it makes for a very pleasant week when things are going well.

Rosjuane September 20, 2007 at 11:19:00 PM CDT  

Well I'm soo proud of both. We went through the talking thing with Ashlyn last year, this year she is doing sooo much better. Maybe after she settles in it will not be a problem anymore. But I definatly think that the reward system is the best. We tried the grounding, writing 100xs, whippings and none worked. This time around we have a reward system and it works wonders. So let me know how she does tomorrow afternoon if she's made it all week I might have to go by and get her a new charm. Jordan too of course for being so dang smart. I worry about Garret cause he's doing things totally diffrent than Ashlyn, but if your kids can do then we can.

Sugar-n-Spice September 21, 2007 at 7:40:00 AM CDT  

way to be, smith girls. :) let me know ahead of time if karsyn makes it....and her favorite candy/treat, and i'll bring it for her sunday.

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