Monday, August 6, 2007

Small group sneak peak

As we are preparing for small group time at Journey, Michael and I decided to go ahead and watch the movie for which the small group will be somewhat centered on. We watched "Facing the Giants" with the kids this weekend. (We will also be having a movie night at Journey pretty soon where we will all watch it together)
In a nutshell, here's the movie theme: We all face giants in our lives. This film encourages us to never give up, never back down, and never lose faith.
It is the heart-warming story of a downtrodden
Christian high school football coach who turns to God when everything seems to be going against him.
Trusting God to do the impossible, Coach Grant Taylor and his Shiloh Christian Eagles soon discover how faith plays out on the field... and off. Following the movie, we will break into Small Discussion Groups in a few different homes, once weekly, to discuss "biblical giants," to discover truths God has for us and how these people impact our lives.
If you are interested in joining small groups, let me explain a little more. Each Sunday's sermon will focus on one of these "giants," and we will dig deeper into the scripture on Wednesday nights. Although attending on Sundays would make following up on Wednesday nights a little easier, it is NOT necessary that you attend Journey in order to attend small groups. If you are a memeber elsewhere (or not) you are still welcome to join us in small groups, and if you want, we will email you on Sunday nights which scripture we will be using on Wednesdays, so you will know what we will be going over.
Although we'd love to meet new possible Journey-goers, this is not a "member drive" where we are trying to "take" anyone from their home church. It is just a small group setting, where you can get very hands on and learn as much as you are willing to dig in to. We will also have child care available at the Journey building for a small fee.
Mike and I will be leading a group at the home of Jeff and Carolyn Noble. You are welcome to join us if you'd like, or there are also other groups you would be very welcome at as well. Shoot me an email if you'd like more info!
I will get more detailed with my blogs about this when we get closer to beginning.


Anonymous,  August 6, 2007 at 3:11:00 PM CDT  

So did you like the movie?

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