Thursday, August 9, 2007

Are ya Ready for some FOOTBALL???

September 1st is coming soon, I can't wait for some Hog Ball!

I was just talking to Rosjuane today about how bad she wants to go to her first hogs game. I have to admit, I can't wait to go back, myself. I know NOTHING about football. But do I have tshirts, sweatshirts, hats, hoodies, and jerseys, covered with Hogs emblems? YEP.

I love the atmosphere of a Razorback game.

I love people watching at the tailgate parties.

Football season is something I love. Michael loves it too, but he's more into high school football. And to clarify, I don't mean Monticello games. He's a Warren Lumberjack, through and through. He takes my kids to all the games like a die hard fan that has a son on the field!
I am going to take my camera to some Jacks games this year, and try to get some shots of his friends' Michael and Lisa Burns' son.
I tend to find local games more interesting when I know who is playing.
Otherwise, it's just a social event.
I just cheer when everyone else does, because I never know what's going on!

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Rosjuane August 9, 2007 at 1:12:00 PM CDT  

Okay so yeah I'm ready for football I think I'm acually going to try to even get into them on the TV!! But yeah even though I'm a Owl now I'm still a lumberjack at heart. And the fact that they are soooo good makes it that much easier to back them. I mean lets face it you got to be a TRUE fan to go sit and watch a not so great football game. I too enjoy h.s. better than college b/c usually I know a player. But I'm going to be doing my research and learning this years Razorbacks.

K.T. is Mommatude August 9, 2007 at 2:42:00 PM CDT  

I started trying to understand football last year-I will give it another whirl this year,I guess.

As you can see by his blog,mmy hubby is a big sports fan,I go to see what people thats shallow,isnt it?LOL,Not that I am a fashionista~at all~I am just a tshirt and jeans kind of gal,but Kendall loves a cute outfit so-I do it for her....LOL

I have never been to an Arkansas game either,but I think that money would be wasted on me,I d rather he take someone who would at least know whats going on....tee hee hee

ash August 9, 2007 at 4:49:00 PM CDT  

I can not wait to go to the football games!!! yea i love the hogs and want miss too many games!!! so let me know what games your going to!!!

OH MY how could you cheer for the lumberjacks...BILLIES dont like the JACKS 25 and you think i would get over some of that but i just cant!!!! too funny!!!

dont forget P HILLIS When you cheer for the hogs!!! # 22!!!

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