Monday, June 25, 2007

What's your calling?

I had a brief discussion today with a close friend about being "called" to do something for the Lord.

She expressed some concern that she hadn't felt led to "do anything", and had questions about these callings.

So what's yours?

Are you a teacher by trade, or by calling? Is it just your job, or would you be going against God's will if you DIDN'T do it?

What about preaching/Sunday school teaching?
How were you lead to where you are?
An "overnight" thing? Or a daily struggle until you caved in?

What about motherhood? Was it because you wanted to be a mom, or do some people feel destined to have child for a higher power?

Foster parenting. Is it a natural born mothering instinct, or a mission you've been lead to?

What about special needs children? Do you think God just knew you had what it takes to go that extra mile?

And what about nurses, or any work away from home mothers? Is it your calling in life to help others, rather than to be home? Stay at home moms, are you called to be a homemaker?

Please explain YOUR situation, and your strugglels, to my friend. I think it's something we can ALL learn from.


Lou Arnold June 25, 2007 at 10:49:00 AM CDT  

I think we are all called to do something. It only took me about 5 years to realize my calling to be a teacher. I tried hard to go the other way, but God kept putting it in my face. Too bad I wasted all those years running the other direction. Just think of the lives I could have touched.

Lou Arnold June 25, 2007 at 10:51:00 AM CDT  

By the way, here is the site that I blogged about my calling.

K.T. is Mommatude June 25, 2007 at 11:02:00 AM CDT  

At the time when I took the actions that I took....I didnt realize they were callings.

But when I see certain things just fall into such a place.......I know that-that makes it my calling.

I do believe GOD gave me Kendall for a specific reason,I believe that I am called to be a stay at home mom....I even believe that I came to the Friday blog wrap up for a reason.I hated writing in school,but I started up my blog......I am suppose to be where I am....How else could someone explain it?

You may never know what you are truly good at,you may never know who you really are...If you dont listen to GOD and follow what HE has in store for your life.

Sugar-n-Spice June 25, 2007 at 11:50:00 AM CDT  

i think that it's a big mixture. thankfully god has dropped into my lap some paths i might not would have taken otherwise. some i had an interest in since childhood. i always wanted lots of kids, and have always been fascinated by adoption-so those callings just fit my personality and the spirit god created me with. there wasn't any shining moment with a loud voice that said, "here's your calling in life." i only became a nurse because it seemed the quickest, most compatible option at the time...and only later realized how meant-to-be it was. it isn't always a feeling or an interest. as a christian, there are many, many things we are called to do whether we 'feel' like it or not. love god, and love your neighbor, caring for orphans and widows, and the list goes on...those are things we are all called to. as for fostering, that wasn't clear, even when we started the process; but for tj and i the more steps we take in obedience even without understanding the full idea of the call, the clearer it seems the path becomes.
i also think that "a calling" might very well often change over a life time. fostering and ministering to children is definitely where we are headed right now. in my head, i think it might be lifelong. but it's quite possible that after growing our family with a few more children, the lord may lead us elsewhere.
i think way too often we wait for this defining big lightbulb moment when really god just wants us look around and see the needs...and jump right in. and then other times he just plops us down right where he wants us and it seems we don't have a choice! swim or drown! :)

Anonymous,  June 25, 2007 at 10:19:00 PM CDT  

for me, my callings college, i was called to be a teacher during the summer between my sophmore and junior year. when i went to change my major, the education dean literally told me i was crazy. boy was he wrong! i knew beyond a shadow of a doubt god wanted me to be a teacher and i know he has used me over and over in the past 9 years. but last year, god called me to stay at home. i believe it was for numerous reasons. 1) i could nuture kate and be there for mason during his first year of kindergarten, which by the way went great compared to pre-k when i worked! 2) i took over our finances which was something i had totally depended on my husband for and really never had a clue about. 3) being a pastor's wife is more than i realized it ever would be! all in all, i believe god calls us to different seasons in our lives. who knows if i'll ever be a teacher again. i do know that, for now, i'm where god wants me. and even though the door has opened several times for me to go back in to teaching and the money would really help out, i know that's not where god wants me right now.

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