Tuesday, May 1, 2007

"I liked it better when your job was just Momma"

My five year old said that to me about a month ago. Of course, it wasn't a very deep statement, she only said it because I was rushing out the door, and she wanted breakfast cooked for her, and I didn't have time due to work.

There's been many statements along those lines at my house in the last 6 months or so. No one likes mom having a "real" job.
We guess what, now Mom doesn't either.
So mom doesn't have one.
I quit my job at JP Price Lumber last week.
Financial nightmare.
Parenting wise, a dream come true.
So how can I have a nightmare and a dream all at once and no go crazy? Well, all we can do is pinch pennies and pray, both of which we are capable of.
Michael has picked up some stump grinding jobs that will supplement my income nicely, and after that......well.....we'll take it day by day.

Before I worked 40 hours a week (plus at least 10 overtime hours) I was the FUN momma. I was the arts and crafts lets go paint have a weenie roast have a kid over to play run through the sprinklers momma. Then I was the "working mom." Well, I know motherhood is a job, too, so aparently, I am not meant to be bi-vocational.

Being a stay at home mother doesn't pay too well monetarily, but it sure is priceless to be able to pick my first grader up from school and have her say Momma I am so glad you picked me up! Can we go to the library!

I am asking that everyone pray for my family, that it all "fall into place" as it has been lately, and things will all work out.
I am not stressing about it at all. HE will provide.


K.T. is Mommatude May 1, 2007 at 2:36:00 PM CDT  

You will get through this and I am here for you if ya need me.

Shelley May 1, 2007 at 3:25:00 PM CDT  

I know that being at home is where I need to be for now. Maybe later on working outside the home will work for my family, but right now, it just isn't what's best for their well being.

Anonymous,  May 1, 2007 at 7:05:00 PM CDT  

Alright! The fun is just starting. All these Journey women and others in town that somehow figure out how to rearrange every room in their houses with each other's help... who hear "scrapbook" and gather like flies on manure... who have park days and play days and create cooking clubs.

Whew. You just thought you were busy!

BTW... can Mike come out and play Thursday night?

Mom of these kids May 1, 2007 at 9:40:00 PM CDT  

Good for you!! It seems scary, but it will all work out b/c you are putting your family first! I am happy for you!! Now, if you WANT to take pictures, you may actually have time to do it and enjoy it!! BUT...that can easily become a full time job too, so just watch out!


ash May 1, 2007 at 11:05:00 PM CDT  

it will all work out for the best!!! yes new things are nice but family and the memories of being together are priceless!!! i look back on things and would not change my parents being around all the time for anything!! They were are every school event and Church function!!! family dinners and just being around has made a big impact on me today!!! so im proud to see a parent who cares so much about their kids and is putting family first over the materialistic things in life!!! luv ya girl!!!

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