Saturday, May 5, 2007


Today we have not one, but two birthday parties, in two towns.

It is WILD here.

I can't seem to get anything done, and my kids are NOT minding at all. If I say "if you do that one more time you are not going" one more time, I am going to scream!!

We have Ashlyn's birthday in McGehee at 3. She is Brad and Rosjuane's little girl. It's going to be your typical playing in the yard party, and Karsyn is pumped about it.
Jordan also has Katherine's birthday party today, which is an "almost spend the night" party, which is over at 9 tonight.
She is my most defiant child today, although Karsyn is running a close second.
No one will cooperate on what they want for lunch, and I have laundry and ironing to do, too, so I am in no way interested in cooking.
Can no one get along or what!


Mom of these kids May 5, 2007 at 12:05:00 PM CDT  

Welcome back to the world of stay at home mom's! There seems to be lots of days like this when you are home all day long! Good luck!

K.T. is Mommatude May 5, 2007 at 1:01:00 PM CDT  

We had two birthday parties to go to today as well,we decided to forego one of them and since the other is next door I think they might be able to think this is year I decided not to do parties for birthdays,or else baby girl would have had one as well.

It gets crazy but tomorrow is another day!

Sarah Albin May 5, 2007 at 4:19:00 PM CDT  

Sounds EXACTLY like my house today, well except for the birthday parties! Hope you survive! :)

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