Wednesday, June 20, 2012

anyone blog anymore....?

Is there anyone out there....? Or did everyone relocate to facebook and drop blogs?

Monday, June 27, 2011

We are looking at...

pools. Who knows if this will actually materialize, but anyone with pool input, please chime in. I have read a ton about different inground types and it's mind boggling. The most referred company near us has been Scat pools. If anyone knows info on anyone else, please share that too :)

DONE with Facebook!

I have deactivated before, but at this point I don't see me ever going back. I had become a facebook junkie. This was fueled in a huge way by the fact that I have an iphone; AND don't have a normal job to keep me off there. It's gossip central, and the best place to find out anything and everything; from divorces to new babies, to cars for sale and who's got kidney stones. Very often you see TMI. The ease of lurking on there that comes from being an iphone user is addictive. You find yourself scrolling and reading all day long, whenever you have a minute. You find yourself talking to people you'd never talk to in the real world, just because it's easy. At this point, I hate giving up a couple of aspects related to facebook; keeping people posted on Daniel's medical condition, and I also will lose the ability to advertise my business there. Regardless, I have to focus on people that actually LIVE in my house, instead of those that exist on facebook. I haven't had my phone on me any this weekend. I actually left it at home and went to Pine Bluff. Being 50 miles from my phone hasn't happened in YEARS. I am proud to say I didn't miss it. Doing some prioritizing around here and think it's the best thing for me. So, if you call or text, it may be a bit before I answer, because I no longer have my phone shoved in my back pocket anymore, and it's exactly what I have to do for myself and my family.

Friday, April 1, 2011

One more thing

This blog needs a major update and overhaul.

Interested parties contact me.

new stuff!

So.. hopefully as I learn to master a mac, I will be back in the blogging world soon. It will hopefully make my life lots easier in the computer aspect, and I can now edit from the comfort of my recliner instead of being alienated to the office! I also bought Lightroom, and Aperture.  So, three major changes for me, and being that I am a creature of habit.. this is a BIG deal to me.  I am watching tutorials when I can, and trying to master this learning curve. But. It's greek to me.

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